
The Simple DIY Portraits Workshop

that will have your blank walls doing a happy dance! (No really, there might be photos of tiny humans doing happy dances at the end of this!) 😍

I know you've seen those homes on Pinterest with perfectly manicured, gallery-style portraits of family members.

Okay, maybe you haven’t–but now you can totally picture it in your house, right?! That is exactly what this workshop is for. I help you take whatever camera device you have on hand, and use it to have a dance party with your people, capture the joy of it, and sprinkle it on the walls of your home. 

Just. Like. Magic. The most magical part, in fact, is that you only need 25 minutes to watch the lesson videos and be fully equipped to party, I mean, photograph. 😉

Check this out...

One of these was taken with a phone, the other with a DSLR. Can YOU tell the difference?!

The beauty of this workshop is that I walk you through how to capture a simple portrait on BOTH of those devices! So no matter what you're workin' with, we can get these photos up on your wall!

How do you do it?

You watch me! I hold your hand through 5 easy steps in the workshop!

Step One

First, we set the space! I walk you through finding the perfect location and the supplies you'll need.

Step Two

Inputting your camera settings! I share my secrets for inputting the right camera settings to nail these!

Step Three

Capturing the photo! Tons of tips and tricks for capturing the joy you are envisioning for your walls.

Step Four

Editing! I share exactly how I edit on the Free Adobe LR app to optimize these images for printing and sharing.

Step Five

Printing! I dish my favorite resources for printing and finding frames, so you leave with a finished project!


I cover taking these with babies, children, and even dogs! You can also apply these skills to adults (obviously with a lot more ease), but I show ya how to do all the hard stuff! 👏 I tell you EXACTLY what to do so this project doesn’t end up in the Pinterest-fail pile! We take photos using both a phone and a camera (there are examples of both devices in this slideshow), and edit in both color and black and white so you can totally customize your project. Plus, did I mention you get a BONUS black and white editing preset?


Normally $75, catch the sale while you can, and put the money you save towards your prints! 🎉


$75 $25

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope! I am a firm believer that the best camera you can use is the one you have on hand! You can totally take these photos on your cell phone and still have gorgeous images. I walk you through how to take them on both a phone and DSLR.

I used an iPhone 12 Pro and a Canon 5D Mark IV in this workshop. I translate any Canon lingo to both Sony and Nikon inside the workshop however! So you can confidently bring any device you are working with.

Does lifetime access work for you? This is a pre-recorded workshop, that you can view anytime you’d like, and the full workshop video is downloadable for offline viewing and storage! The workbook is also yours to keep of course.

This workshop takes almost exactly 25 minutes to complete (not including you actually taking the photos, of course!). You can watch the full 24-ish video in one sitting, or watch it step-by-step within our online course platform.

Start building your families visual legacy

with a no-fail project alongside me! Then, you will have the skills to continue to build upon your families visual legacy year after year. I just can't wait to see what you create!

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